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Learn How To Restore Emotional Balance and Equilibrium To Your Life
A free no-obligation phone or email consultation with Alan on how to implement any of the strategies and/or techniques outlined in the book. With your book purchase, please provide your contact information and a preferred time for a phone call.
Discover Powerful Tools To Heal Your Workplace
A free, no obligation initial consultation with business or organization leaders wishing to install an “exit ramp” program in their own organization. This consultation will seek to assess the appetite within the organization and its leadership team for such an initiative and the type of program required to make it successful.

“How often do we hear coaches and athletes talk about the need to ‘slow the game down’? Is it only a coincidence that recent Super Bowl and NBA championship winning teams also incorporate yoga into their team training regimens? With the game on the line, this becomes essential. For elite athletes, successful coaches and all of us, self-control is fundamental to making the smartest decisions. In this book, Alan Steelman provides a disciplined approach for all us that would vastly improve our ability to cope with the pace of life today.”
Joe Bailey COO NFL World League, National Football League, CEO, Miami Dolphins,
Joe Bailey COO NFL World League, National Football League, CEO, Miami Dolphins,

“Alan Steelman has had remarkable success in business and politics. His mantra is ‘Mens sana in corpora sana’ _(a healthy mind in a healthy body), and in this book, he reveals the path to the inner balance required for a healthy, successful life. For years, I’ve listened to Alan Steelman—a ‘renaissance man’—if ever there was one. In this book, he reveals the true path to success, longevity, and balance. This is a worthy guide book.”
Bob Lutz Former Vice-Chairman, General Motors, Iconic International Auto Executive and Bestselling Author of Car Guys vs Bean Counters, Icons and Idiots, and Guts: 8 Laws of Business from One of the Most Innovative Business Leaders of Our Time
Bob Lutz Former Vice-Chairman, General Motors, Iconic International Auto Executive and Bestselling Author of Car Guys vs Bean Counters, Icons and Idiots, and Guts: 8 Laws of Business from One of the Most Innovative Business Leaders of Our Time

“My life was dramatically changed, if not saved, by discovering yoga. In addition to the normal yoga instruction classes that I lead at yoga studios, I devote a considerable amount of my time, introducing yoga to school age boys and girls, and adults who may not fit the traditional stereotype of a yoga practitioner. Anxiety, stress, and pressure are ever-present companions in our lives in today’s world. The artificial crutches that so many are using to cope can be avoided. I highly recommend that you read this book, and start on your own journey of self-regulating your own health.”
Ebony Smith Founder of Yoga N Da Hood, Emerging national leader in taking mindfulness to underserved communities and people
Ebony Smith Founder of Yoga N Da Hood, Emerging national leader in taking mindfulness to underserved communities and people

“The quest for ‘bigger, better, faster, stronger’ _is a good descriptor for the lives many of us lead today, and this can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health, relationships, and the way we live in the world. In this book about Life in the ASAP Lane!, Alan Steelman outlines the tragic national consequences of such a stressful way of living. Record-high opioid overdose deaths, soaring obesity rates, and alarmingly high teen anxiety and suicide attempts all illuminate the depth and breadth of this problem. The good news, Alan says, is that ‘there is an exit ramp’. He calls it the Yellow Brick Road, referring to mindful breathing. In my book, The Stress-Proof Brain, I say that mindfulness has the potential to make not only individuals, but, businesses, institutions and societies stress-proof. Read Alan’s book, it is your path to a healthier mind and body.”
Dr. Melanie Greenberg Author of best-selling book, The Stress-Proof Brain Practicing Psychologist, Speaker, and Life/Business Coach
Dr. Melanie Greenberg Author of best-selling book, The Stress-Proof Brain Practicing Psychologist, Speaker, and Life/Business Coach

“This is not just a book about yoga—this is a work of heart. Alan’s passion for encouraging others to give yoga a try comes not from any agenda, but from his own unexpected experience of discovering the real beauty of this ancient healing system. Not only has he done his research, he has done his outreach— _speaking to a variety of “unconventional” _students to ensure his perspective is authentic and valid. It certainly is.”
Charla and David Truesdale Co-founders of the Warrior Spirit Project™ (WSP) founded on the premise that a “broken spirit can be more harmful than a broken body” David is a 27 year veteran of service in the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, including stints in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Charla has 25 years of experience in wellness and military culture. Both lived at GITMO while David was stationed there with NCIS.
Charla and David Truesdale Co-founders of the Warrior Spirit Project™ (WSP) founded on the premise that a “broken spirit can be more harmful than a broken body” David is a 27 year veteran of service in the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, including stints in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Charla has 25 years of experience in wellness and military culture. Both lived at GITMO while David was stationed there with NCIS.

“We are inundated with information every day. Between smart phones, the internet, television we are moving ever faster every day, yet we always feel like we are falling further behind. Back in 2012, I wrote A Mindful Nation to help everyday Americans capture the power of mindful meditation, a proven practice that can help us slow down and reconnect. Today, we need these practices more than ever. As Alan Steelman, a former Member of Congress says, ‘there is an exit ramp—a practice of yoga and meditation’. These practices are an integral part of my daily routine, and the best part is, anyone can benefit from them.”
Congressman Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) Author of The Mindful Nation and The Real Food Revolution Leading authority in the United States Congress on mindfulness and its national healing potential
Congressman Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) Author of The Mindful Nation and The Real Food Revolution Leading authority in the United States Congress on mindfulness and its national healing potential

“This book is refreshing to read. I’m proof there IS an exit ramp, as the book calls it, off the ASAP Lane. The pace of life today makes most all of us anxious, stressed, and pressured, no matter our job or family situation. Tragically, an increasing number are finding that they can’t cope without using substances that are destructive to their health. Read this book, and you will find a regimen that will help you immensely. In addition to my professional career, I have taught yoga and continue to practice on a regular basis. It can truly change your life.”
Dawn Scott Emmy Award and Edward R. Murrow Award-winning CBS-affiliate news anchor. Producer and anchor of the Emmy-award winning, “A Place Called Home”, featuring children up for adoption.
Dawn Scott Emmy Award and Edward R. Murrow Award-winning CBS-affiliate news anchor. Producer and anchor of the Emmy-award winning, “A Place Called Home”, featuring children up for adoption.

“During perilous times like these, screaming panic may seem like the only rational option. Meditation and yoga, according to Alan Steelman, offer something better. He says they’re the key to a calm mind, which means I can recommend his book to all the Americans whose minds are understandably agitated. If their minds were calmer, mine would be too, and maybe a gentle peace would descend on our troubled land. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t make things worse.”
Steve Chapman Columnist and Editorial Writer Member of Editorial board, Chicago Tribune
Steve Chapman Columnist and Editorial Writer Member of Editorial board, Chicago Tribune

“Former U. S. Congressman Alan Steelman, states that the mental health crisis has reached epidemic proportions, as evidenced by record levels of opioid overdoses, binge alcohol consumption, and obesity levels. Peace of mind and better health may seem like a huge task at this moment, but it is worth it and you will thank yourself forever when you realize that you can still participate in life FULL OUT, and do so without relying on artificial stimulants. You decided to open this book. You decided to read this far. You now get to decide to put these ideas into action and your decision will manifest in better physical and mental health—almost immediately.”
Barry Spilchuk Co-author of International Bestseller, A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul Founder of
Barry Spilchuk Co-author of International Bestseller, A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul Founder of

“No matter where you are on your journey of life, yoga can help you achieve your goals with more ease, grace and stamina. Many people know about the powerful physical practices, but more and more people are tuning in to a deeper power of the yoga practice: the breath. Alan’s beautiful metaphors of the breath, based on the beloved story of The Wizard of Oz, draws you in to a deeper understanding of how to find ease in your life through yoga. Alan lays out a regimen for the beginner, regardless of age or physical fitness level that will get you on your very own path to better health and more peace.”
Lauren Walker Author of Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice and The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription A highly innovative thinker and teacher One of the top 100 most influential yoga teachers in America
Lauren Walker Author of Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice and The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription A highly innovative thinker and teacher One of the top 100 most influential yoga teachers in America